HFSA Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

September 30, 2020 - October 6, 2020 | Virtual

2020 Poster and Moderated Poster Instructions and Guidelines

All electronic posters will be uploaded prior to conference and made available to attendees through the virtual poster exhibition platform. Attendees will be able to browse through all ePosters with the ability to filter and sort based on author name and category.

Not sure what category your abstract was accepted under? View the Abstract Lookup Document to find your poster category, control #, poster board #, and presenting author.

Important Reminders for Poster Presenters:

  • REGISTRATION. Poster presenters must register for the meeting. To receive the trainee rate, a verification letter from your program director must be included with the registration form. For additional information on registration, please visit the HFSA website: HFSA Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting 2020 Registration
  • POSTER CHAT DAYS: Poster presenters are expected to be available for live poster chats during the specified unopposed poster viewing times. During this time, attendees can submit private or public questions to the poster presenters. Poster Presenters will then be able to login and reply to any posted questions. 

    View the Post Chat Instructions: https://hfsa.org/annualscientificmeeting/posterchat2020
    • Saturday, October 3, 2020: 1:15– 2:45 PM EST
    • Sunday, October 4, 2020: 1:15– 2:45 PM EST

General Information

Location and Schedule

All ePosters or are to be displayed in the Virtual Poster Hall Wednesday, 09/30 – Tuesday, 10/06.

Poster presenters are expected to be available for live poster chats during the specified unopposed poster viewing times:

Saturday, October 3, 2020: 1:15 – 2:45 PM EST
Sunday, October 4, 2020: 1:15 – 2:45 PM EST

During this time, attendees can submit private or public questions to the poster presenters. Poster Presenters will then be able to login and reply to any posted questions.

Poster Formats

This year posters will be available in an ePoster format in the Virtual Poster Hall at the Annual Scientific Meeting. This year, presenters may also record an audio narration to accompany their ePoster. This narration cannot be longer than 5 minutes.

For Moderated Posters Only: Moderated Posters will have the option of submitting a pre-recorded multi-slide PowerPoint presentation (presentation cannot be longer than 15 minutes) or an ePoster with an audio narration to accompany the ePoster (narration cannot be longer than 5 minutes).

Note: The HFSA 2020 ePoster Submission Portal Opens on Monday, August 24, 2020. You will receive an email from our abstract management vendor CTI OASIS when the portal is open. The deadline to submit is Wednesday, September 23, 2020. 

View Poster Preparation at the bottom of the page for more information.

Meeting Registration

Poster presenters must register for the meeting. To receive the trainee rate, a verification letter from your program director must be included with the registration form. For additional information on registration, please visit the HFSA website: HFSA Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting 2020 Registration

Journal of Cardiac Failure

Your abstract will be published in an electronic special supplement issue of the Journal of Cardiac Failure. We encourage you to consider the Journal of Cardiac Failure, the official journal of the HFSA, for publication of papers. 


  • Encore Presentations and Late Breaking Clinical Trials will not be included in the electronic special supplement issue of JCF.
  • Late Breaking Clinical Trials selected for presentation during the Late Breaking Clinical Trials Session only will be included in a later issue of JCF.
  • Abstracts #469-476 will not be included in the electronic special supplemental issue of JCF. 
Embargo Policy

Abstracts accepted are embargoed for release until the first meeting day of the HFSA Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting.

The standard is that any company can announce at any time the following:

  1. Announcement that trial is completed
  2. That results will be presented at so and so date in such and such a meeting
  3. What did the trials assess – basic design, questions, study population, interventions etc.
Poster Presenter Disclosure Information

Disclosure information for poster presenters and co-authors should be included in each ePoster. 

ePoster Preparation

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, September 23, 2020

ePoster Presentation - Upload Instructions
Poster File Format Type Reminder:
  • ePoster only (no narration) = .PDF File Format Only
  •  ePoster with 5-minute audio narration = .MP4 File Format Only
  • FOR MODERATED POSTERS ONLY: Multi-slide PowerPoint Presentation = .MP4 File Format Only

Step 1: Login to the HFSA 2020 presentation management system.

Step 2: Upon entering the presentation management system, click on the "ePoster Upload" menu option at the top of the screen. 

Step 3: Find the abstract your are uploading a file to and click on the abstract title

Step 4: At this point, you can click the red "Upload" button to upload your file. Once the upload is complete, a green “Edit Files” button appears next to the title. It can be clicked to download the file for editing or to delete the file.

Note: When agreeing to publish your presentation and recording, please make sure that you remove any confidential data that you do not want shared with the public (for example, data behind tables/graphs, speaker notes) before submitting them for uploading on the online programme.

Poster Formats

This year posters will be available in an ePoster format in the Virtual Poster Hall at the Annual Scientific Meeting. This year, presenters may also record an audio narration to accompany their ePoster. This narration cannot be longer than 5 minutes.

For Moderated Posters Only: Moderated Posters will have the option of submitting a pre-recorded multi-slide PowerPoint presentation (presentation cannot be longer than 15 minutes) or an ePoster with an audio narration to accompany the ePoster (narration cannot be longer than 5 minutes).

ePoster Only

  1. Create your electronic ePoster in PowerPoint 
  2. Save ePoster as a .PDF
  3. Submit your ePoster to the HFSA 2020 presentation management system by Wednesday, September 23, 2020.  File must be in an .PDF format.

ePoster with 5-Minute audio narration

  1. Create your electronic ePoster in PowerPoint 
  2. Create an audio narration (maximum 5 minutes long) presenting your poster. How-to instructions can be found later in this document. 
  3. Submit your ePoster with audio narration to the HFSA 2020 presentation management system by Wednesday, September 23. File must be in an .MP4 format.

Multi-Slide Presentation (Moderated Posters Only)

  1. Create your multi-slide PowerPoint presentation (up to 12 slides maximum)
  2. Record Slide Show (maximum 15 minutes long presentation). How-to instructions can be found later in this document.
  3. Submit your multi-slide recorded presentation to the HFSA 2020 presentation management system. File must be in an .MP4 format.
ePoster Preparation

HFSA ePoster Design Requirements

  • REMINDER! Disclosure information for poster presenters and co-authors should be included in each ePoster. 
  • Format - ePoster files will be accepted in MS PowerPoint format only (ppt. or pptx. extensions). Macintosh presentations (i.e. Keynote cannot be accomodated)
  • Versions - Your e-poster must be prepared in MS PowerPoint 2010, 2013 or 2016.
  • Template - Please find an e-poster template here.
  • E-poster layout - Your e-poster should be laid out in landscape style. 16:9 is the preferred aspect ratio
  • File name - To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {,etc.) to name your file. Do not use passwords or encryption with your files.
  • Flash animations & macros - Please refrain from using macros and flash animations, as they are not supported.
  • File size - The size of any given e-poster should not exceed 500 MB.
  • Font - Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package.

ePoster Tips

Your e-poster should quickly orient the audience to the subject and purpose of your study. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful for the preparation of your poster:

  • Your poster should have a clear message, a logical layout and be easy to comprehend in a couple of minutes.
  • Make sure that the specific sections (such as the background, methods, results and conclusions) are easy to locate on the poster.
  • Design the individual sections of your poster so that they can be quickly read; avoid large blocks of text and long sentences.
  • Try to keep your word count as low as possible.
  • Supporting images (such as graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs) can be very helpful and are often necessary to display results. Make sure that the images are easy to understand and are not overloaded with information.
  • Make sure that there is enough contrast between the color of the text and the poster's background.
  • There are many resources available with information and tips on how to make a good poster. A YouTube presentation on abstract and poster presentation can be found here: Abstract & Poster Presentation Video


Create your audio narration with PowerPoint

Record narration through PowerPoint

Step 1: Create ePoster in PowerPoint

Step 2: To record 5-minute narrative, start off by finding the Slide Show tab on PowerPoint's ribbon.

Step 3: Click on the Record Slide Show button. A new window will pop up with two option to set before you start recording - leave both options checked. As soon as you click start Recording, PowerPoint will go into a full screen presentation view. 

Step 4: In the presentation view mode, click the record button. In the upper left corner of the window, you will see a Recording window with a runtime counter and other buttons. Use this to keep track of the length of your presentation. It also begins recording audio from your microphone. In the upper left corner of the window, you will see a Recording window with a runtime counter and other buttons. Use this to keep track of the length of your presentation.

Step 5: Using Annotations (optional)
While you are recording your presentation, you can also add annotations to your ePoster. You can use a digital pen, highlighter or laser pointer to add markings. This feature is good when wanting to gesture towards something specific on the slide during your presentation. To use annotations, hover in the lower left corner of your presentation while recording the presentation. There are extra tools that you can choose from. For an annotation, click on the third icon of the left to choose from one of the tools.

Step 6: Export your presentation as a video in a .MP4 format. Click on File > Export > Create a Video


Tips for the Editing Recording

  • Change playback options:  Select the audio icon on your slides and then the Playback tab in the navigation menu of PowerPoint. Next, select which options you would like to use:
  • To trim the audio, select Trim Audio from the navigation menu and use the red and green sliders to trim the audio file accordingly.
  • To fade the audio recording in and out, modify the numbers in the Fade Duration boxes Fade In: and Fade Out:.
  • To adjust the volume, select Volume and then setting (Low, Medium, High or Mute) you prefer.


Best Practices for Recording

  • Be sure to be in a quiet room or space with the fewest audio/visual distractions as possible (i.e. people, pets, tv, music, etc.). Ensure your computer, alarm, and device notifications/ring tones are turned off (silent) throughout your recording.
  • Try to avoid playing with noisy objects that might distract from your presentation (ex. clicking pens, fidget toys, etc.). If you plan to wear earrings, we recommend studs. Hanging earrings can often distract due to movement and occasionally bump against microphones and effect the audio
  • Your mic should be a desk microphone (a.k.a. a ‘podcast mic’), Bluetooth earpiece, earbuds, etc. Please avoid using the desktop or laptop microphone as it adds ambient noise to the audio. 
  • The tone of your voice will go A LONG WAY to engaging content and excited attendees. Be sure to speak up and have good energy while presenting. 
  • Don’t worry, if you make a joke, even though it is silent in your space, people will laugh along with you. Avoid only reading from your PowerPoint - much like a live session, people want to hear what you have to ADD. ​
Moderated Poster Only: Multi-slide PowerPoint Presentation Preparation


Multi-Slide Presentation Requirements and Tips

  • Your presentation cannot exceed 15 minutes and 12 slides total. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful for the preparation of your multi-slide presentation:
  Recommended # of Slides
Title and Authors 1
Disclosures 1
Purpose and Objectives 2
Methods 2
Results  3-4
Conclusions 1-2
References 1-2
  • REMINDER: Disclosure information for poster presenters and co-authors should be included in your presentation 
  • Format - ePoster files will be accepted in MS PowerPoint format only (ppt. or pptx. extensions). Macintosh presentations (i.e. Keynote cannot be accommodated)
  • Presentation slide layout - Your presentation should be laid out in landscape style. 16:9 is the preferred aspect ratio
  • File name - To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {,etc.) to name your file. Do not use passwords or encryption with your files.
  • Flash animations & macros - Please refrain from using macros and flash animations, as they are not supported.
  • Font - Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package.
  • Your presentation should have a  clear message
  • Try to keep your word count as low as possible.
  • Supporting images (such as graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs) can be very helpful and are often necessary to display results. Make sure that the images are easy to understand and are not overloaded with information.
  • Make sure that there is enough contrast between the color of the text and the presentation background.
  • There are many resources available with information and tips on how to make a good poster. A YouTube presentation on abstract and poster presentation can be found here: Abstract & Poster Presentation Video


Create your audio recording with PowerPoint

Step 1: Create your presentation in PowerPoint

Step 2: To record your presentation, start off by finding the Slide Show tab on PowerPoint's ribbon.

Step 3: Click on the Record Slide Show button. A new window will pop up with two option to set before you start recording - leave both options checked. As soon as you click start Recording, PowerPoint will go into a full screen presentation view. 

Step 4: In the presentation view mode, starting on your first slide, click the record button. In the upper left corner of the window, you will see a Recording window with a runtime counter and other buttons. Use this to keep track of the length of your presentation. It also begins recording audio from your microphone. In the upper left corner of the window, you will see a Recording window with a runtime counter and other buttons. Use this to keep track of the length of your presentation.

You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to switch between slides while recording. Use the right arrow to jump to the next slide, or the left arrow to move to the previous PowerPoint slide.

PowerPoint is recording exactly what is on your screen along with the audio you speak into your microphone. When you are finished, click on the X button in the upper right corner of the Recording window to complete the audio recording. 

Step 5: Using Annotations (optional)
While you are recording your presentation, you can also add annotations to your ePoster. You can use a digital pen, highlighter or laser pointer to add markings. This feature is good when wanting to gesture towards something specific on the slide during your presentation. To use annotations, hover in the lower left corner of your presentation while recording the presentation. There are extra tools that you can choose from. For an annotation, click on the third icon of the left to choose from one of the tools.

Step 6: Export your presentation as a video in a .MP4 format. Click on File > Export > Create a Video


Tips for the Editing Recording

  • Change playback options:  Select the audio icon on your slides and then the Playback tab in the navigation menu of PowerPoint. Next, select which options you would like to use:
  • To trim the audio, select Trim Audio from the navigation menu and use the red and green sliders to trim the audio file accordingly.
  • To fade the audio recording in and out, modify the numbers in the Fade Duration boxes Fade In: and Fade Out:.
  • To adjust the volume, select Volume and then setting (Low, Medium, High or Mute) you prefer.


Best Practices for Recording

  • Be sure to be in a quiet room or space with the fewest audio/visual distractions as possible (i.e. people, pets, tv, music, etc.). Ensure your computer, alarm, and device notifications/ring tones are turned off (silent) throughout your recording.
  • Try to avoid playing with noisy objects that might distract from your presentation (ex. clicking pens, fidget toys, etc.). If you plan to wear earrings, we recommend studs. Hanging earrings can often distract due to movement and occasionally bump against microphones and effect the audio
  • Your mic should be a desk microphone (a.k.a. a ‘podcast mic’), Bluetooth earpiece, earbuds, etc. Please avoid using the desktop or laptop microphone as it adds ambient noise to the audio. 
  • The tone of your voice will go A LONG WAY to engaging content and excited attendees. Be sure to speak up and have good energy while presenting. 
  • Don’t worry, if you make a joke, even though it is silent in your space, people will laugh along with you. Avoid only reading from your PowerPoint - much like a live session, people want to hear what you have to ADD.