Monday Plenary Session: Late Breaking Clinical Research Session II

Monday Plenary Session: Late Breaking Clinical Research Session II

September 30, 2024 09:00am
September 30, 2024 10:30am

Daily plenary sessions provide an opportunity for all attendees to come together each morning for high-level content, keynote speakers, and exciting announcements.

Incoming Presidential Address by Michael Felker, MD, FHFSA
HFSA President-Elect, 2023-2024


Hear from HFSA's incoming president as he discusses the year to come.

Distinguished HFSA Member Award Winner: Corrine Y. Jurgens, RN, PhD, FHFSA of Boston College's William F. Connell School of Nursing

Distinguished HFSA Leadership Award Winner: Biykem Bozkurt, MD, PhD, FHFSA of Baylor College of Medicine

Late Breaking Clinical Research Session II Plenary Session Includes:

Late Breaking Clinical Abstract Presentations
- The Late Breaking Clinical Research Sessions at this year's meeting has been finalized!

  • SEQUOIA-HCM: Presenter, Martin Maron, MD. Discussant, Mark Drazner, MD, MSc, FHFSA
  • EMBARK-HFpEF: Presenter, Sanjiv Shah, MD. Discussant, Biykem Bozkurt, MD, PhD, FHFSA
  • ARIES-HM3: Presenter, Jason Katz, MD, MHS. Discussant, Randy Starling, MD, MPH, FHFSA
  • EXPANDed: Presenter, Mark Ricciardi, MD. Discussant, TBA
  • HuMAIN-HFpEF: Presenter, Ambarish Pandey, MD. Discussant, Amanda Vest, MBBS, MPH, FHFSA