From Evidence to Practice: Treating Iron Deficiency with Intravenous Iron in Heart Failure

From Evidence to Practice: Treating Iron Deficiency with Intravenous Iron in Heart Failure

September 29, 2024 05:30pm
September 29, 2024 06:30pm
Signia - Triumph Ballroom G

Iron deficiency (ID) is recognized as an important comorbidity in heart failure (HF), even in the absence of anemia;  ID is independently associated with worse functional capacity, reduced quality of life (QOL), and an increased risk for hospitalization and mortality.  Intravenous (IV) iron improves exercise capacity and QOL, reduces the risk of hospitalization, and is recommended in HF guidelines.  An expert faculty will present best practices for ID diagnosis and treatment and illustrate how to overcome challenges in ID management with multidisciplinary teamwork.

An accredited satellite program, provided by Voxmedia LLC and supported through an independent educational grant from American Regent