John C Burnett headshot

John C. Burnett, Jr., M.D.

2020 HFSA Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

Member of the Division of Circulatory Failure, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine - The Mayo Clinic

John C. Burnett, Jr., MD was named the 2020 HFSA Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Read his Member Spotlight Q&A >> Learn more about the award >>

John C. Burnett, Jr., MD, is a member of the Division of Circulatory Failure, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Burnett holds the academic rank of Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. He is recognized with the distinction of the Marriott Family Professor of Cardiovascular Research.

Dr. Burnett earned his medical degree at Loyola University School of Medicine in Chicago and pursued a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in cardiology, as well as an NIH nephrology research fellowship — all at Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Burnett studies the endocrine role of the heart with a focus on the natriuretic peptides in heart failure and hypertension. The long-term goal is the engineering of novel designer natriuretic peptides for the treatment of human cardiorenal disease, including the development of innovative natriuretic peptide-based diagnostics. With continuous funding from the NIH since 1986, Dr. Burnett and his team have developed three novel designer peptides currently in clinical trials targeting heart failure and resistant hypertension. From this work, 28 patents have been awarded and three new biotechnology companies founded. 

Dr. Burnett is the recipient of many awards, which include election to the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. He is the recipient of an Established Investigator Award of the AHA.  In 2006, he was named a Mayo Clinic Distinguished Investigator.

Dr. Burnett has been active in the Heart Failure Society of America since its founding.  He has actively mentored many clinical and research fellows who are currently engaged in heart failure research and practice.  He has served on multiple committees of HFSA including the Research, Development, Publications, Board of Directors, and Annual Scientific Meeting Program Committees.