Explore the resources below for tools and resources heart failure care providers can share with patients, caregivers, and their family members.
Know Heart Failure. Know Your Patients.
Explore risk factors, disparities, information on when to refer to a specialist, and comorbidities of heart failure with this infographic: Know Heart Failure. Know Your Patients.
Talking With Your Patients About HF: A Clinician’s Guide
This digital guide was designed to help providers have conversations with their patients about their diagnosis. It explores the role of patient education; tracking and reporting symptoms; lifestyle; and medications. It also sheds light on overcoming barriers a patient may face when attempting to make healthy changes.
HFSA Heart Failure Patient Education Modules
This series of educational modules is designed to help patients learn to live successfully with heart failure. The advice in the modules can help heart failure patients feel better, stay out of the hospital, and live longer.
Heart Failure Beat Podcast: Healthy Living
This podcast series delivers episodes featuring interviews with patients, caregivers, and heart failure clinicians highlighting what patients and caregivers need to know about healthy living with heart failure.