2016 | HFSA

HFSA Member Spotlight: Marc Silver, MD, FHFSA

Practice News Membership


is one of the founding members of the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA), and has been an active member since 1995. He has served on multiple committees and has held numerous roles, including but not limited to, the HFSA’s Program Committee, Publications Committee, Heart Failure Awareness Committee and the Lifetime Achievement Committee. For 5 years Dr. Silver was appointed Chairman of the Membership Committee, while simultaneously serving on the Executive Council.

As a testament to his countless contributions to HFSA and to the world of cardiovascular medicine, Dr. Silver was inducted as an Inaugural Fellow of the HFSA Fellowship Designation Program (FHFSA) in 2016. Fellowship is one of the most distinguished designations the HFSA can offer its members, and is a tremendous recognition of professional achievement based on outstanding credentials, accomplishments, and contributions to heart failure medicine.

Dr. Silver's extensive knowledge, professionalism, and passion towards the fight and education of HF is what makes him an exemplary HFSA member. Most recently, Dr. Silver has volunteered to support nurses with an interest in cardiovascular medicine to attend the 2016 HFSA Board Review in August, which now offers AACN Category A Credits.

What advice would you give to early career professionals?    

My advice is always the same… “be a joiner.”  I was so fortunate to be among the core group founding the HFSA.  It has far exceeded my early vision and going forward we need everyone’s voice and effort to stem the tide of heart failure.

As a Founding member, what has been the most memorable HFSA moment for you?

There have been so many, however I will never forget the very first scientific meeting held in Baltimore.  It was friends putting together a scientific program that we liked and wanted to hear focused on a disease state that we were interested in. We had no idea if anyone other than our small group would even show up.  They did, and that was the start.  I remember the tremendous pride I had when we closed out the meeting. However, it is the work and innovation our Society brings that is creating even more memories every day.

What is your life motto?

“If you can help someone, do so.” Certainly that has been my approach with patients and families. But it had been a driving force with colleagues, industry, all team members and even strangers. Any success I have had has only given me more opportunity to be helpful and supportive. And I feel privileged to be able to help. Of course this was passed on from my parents, but also by observing other mentors in my life.

Support a Nurse or Pharmacist!

Live by Dr.Silver's life motto, "If you can help someone, do so" and support a colleague, nurse, and/or pharmacist to attend our 2016 Board Review Course!