2015 | HFSA

Circulation HF Offers New Opportunity for Fellows

Practice News

Of interest to early career heart failure investigators, Circulation: Heart Failure is launching a new section, Forum for Early Career Clinical Investigation, that will be devoted to publishing primary clinical research conceived and performed by early career investigators during training or during the first 3 years on faculty. This research should be performed by the primary author or in some cases an investigative cohort of authors, beginning with the initial articulation of a relevant question, through development of a strategy to address it, the personal collection of the primary data, analysis with rigorous statistical guidance as needed, and thorough interpretation of the results, limitations, and implications. Hypothesis-driven research is ideal, but reasonable questions for these exercises might also be “What are the reasons given by clinicians in a heart failure clinic for their patients being on lower than target doses of β-blockers?” or “How many and which patients have oscillatory breathing patterns while awake?” Circulation would consider publication even without a clear answer to support or refute a hypothesis, if the question and strategy were appropriate and the data and limitations were cogently analyzed.

For more information, please see here.