What is a Social Media Catalyst?

A social media catalyst is an influencer whose online presence is laser-focused on a specific topic, trend, or event. SMCs will be the voice of the meeting, providing real-time insights into the presentations delivered onsite, September 27-30 in Atlanta, Georgia. Throughout #HFSA2024, SMCs will be promoted by HFSA as ambassadors for the conference and recognized by HFSA for their contributions on the official meeting website. SMCs will also have the opportunity to network with other SMCs and HFSA faculty.


SMC Requirements and Criteria

SMCs must have an established presence in the HF social media space, particularly on X, with a clinical or research background in heart failure (ex. physicians, APP, PhD, nurses, pharmacists), and meet the following criteria:

  • Able to take complex ideas and break them down into easy-to-understand stats, facts, figures, and key points
  • Excited to write X and LinkedIn posts and engage in thought-provoking discussions on these platforms
  • Energetic, engaged, and enthusiastic to ignite conversations around fresh and intriguing concepts that emerge during #HFSA2024
  • Ready to conduct live interviews or Q&As at the meeting to better convey new concepts to the audience
  • Registered to attend the HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
  • Represent “good citizenship” and generally refrain from using derogatory or defamatory language or expressing viewpoints in direct conflict with the HFSA mission
  • Above all, SMCs must be excited about the industry and ready to share ideas through live-tweeting sessions, sharing photos of posters, and going live onsite!

Sign-Up Deadline

Friday, August 23, 2024

SMCs to be notified by September 6, 2024

    Join HFSA on Social Media

    • X
    • LinkedIn
    • Official meeting hashtag: #HFSA2024