Late Breaking Clinical Research Session recordings now available.


Press credentials to cover the HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting will be granted to representatives of qualifying news media outlets. After reviewing the information below, if you meet the requirements, complete the form below to register as a member of press. If you have questions, please contact HFSA Marketing and Communications Director Laura Poko at

Qualifying Members of the Press

Press credentials to cover the HFSA Annual Scientific Meeting will be granted to representatives of the following news media outlets:

  • General circulation newspapers or magazines
  • Wire services
  • Medical, Science, Pharmaceutical, Nursing, and Allied Health Care publications
  • Broadcast media
  • Web site media
  • Accredited medical and science freelance writers
  • Accredited media relations/public relations representatives of nonprofit health organizations

Please be aware that camera crews must be escorted by an HFSA representative. Any filming will require written approval from the HFSA.

After reviewing these bulletpoints and the information below, if you meet the requirements, complete the form below to register as a member of press. 

Accepted Press Credentials

To receive a complimentary press badge, reporters and writers must show one of the following credentials:

  • Press card
  • Business card clearly stating affiliation and position Must be identified as an editor, publisher, writer, reporter, or producer.
  • Letter on official letterhead from an editor of a publication, web site, or from a producer of a program certifying the person is covering the meeting for the respective organization
  • National Association of Science Writers, International Association of Science Writers membership card
  • Science journalism students will receive credentials by providing a letter on official school letterhead and signed by a department adviser
Embargo Policy

Abstracts accepted are embargoed for release until the time of presentation at the Heart Failure Society of America’s Annual Scientific Meeting.

The standard is that any company can announce at any time the following:

  1. Announcement that trial is completed
  2. That results will be presented at so and so date in such and such a meeting
  3. What did the trials assess – basic design, questions, study population, interventions etc.


Policy and Restrictions

Complimentary press badges will not be issued to:

  • Advertising sales representatives of publications
  • Spouses and other guests of journalists attending the meeting
  • Advertising, marketing, or public relations representatives from exhibiting companies or their agencies
  • Representatives of organizations selling or producing publications, video, or audio tapes or websites intended for marketing, advertising or public relations purposes.

Individuals with complimentary HFSA press badges may not:

  • Sell, market, or represent a company for the purpose of obtaining advertising or subscriptions from any registrant or exhibitor
  • Market a product or service displayed on the HFSA exhibit floor
  • Misrepresent themselves to secure press credentials to cover the meeting
  • Conduct product promotion that implies HFSA endorsement, or use the HFSA logo and/or name without the express written permission of HFSA’ s CEO
  • Receive CE or CME credits for attending sessions.
  • Attend “By Invitation Only” sessions and events

Individuals with complimentary HFSA press badges who violate this policy will immediately forfeit press credentials for this and subsequent meetings.

If the Annual Scientific Meeting will serve as an organization’s choice venue for the presentation of new research or data, the HFSA maintains the right to embargo all information until the presentation of material at the Annual Scientific Meeting

Information regarding media registrants is proprietary. HFSA does not make available press registration lists.

Onsite Press Room

HFSA will host a Press Room onsite at the meeting, however, no formal press conferences are currently scheduled.  You are welcome to use the room for interviews or other work. Inquiries may be directed to HFSA Marketing and Communications Director Laura Poko at

More Information Coming Soon!


Please contact HFSA Marketing and Communications Director Laura Poko at